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 Guaranteed Signups 

Are you involved in some kind of downline, affiliate program or MLM?
I bet you are. And I bet you need to get signups under you...

Well, I can help you now.
Guaranteed Signups into any Free To Join Program. Guaranteed!


You will get affiliates who want to run a home business, and make money  using their computer!  That's Right! Those who are LOOKING for a home business for whatever reason, that's who we will get in your downline!  See our packages below.
If your wondering about Upgrades and Opt in Affiliates, we have a good percentage of customers who email us and let us know that the Opt In Percentage from our Sign Ups is very high, around 75% and the upgrades are as high or higher than most other marketing services they have used.  We cannot guarantee upgrades or signup's performance though. It's just we now that our signups are of best quality possible and that's the reason we have a lot of repeat customer.


We GUARANTEE to get you exactly what you Ordered!  Actual Sign--Ups to your Affiliate Program! 
These are NOT Visitors, Hits or Leads.  We BUILD your downline FOR YOU! You will get SIGN-UPS to your PROGRAM and OUR SERVICE IS GUARANTEED for the exact amount (or more) of the Sign-Ups you ordered! 


If your program is free to join and doesn't require credit card info or SSN during signup process - you are qualified!
We do not accept adult, warez/hacking, racist, anti-government programs or any other illegal in the USA.


Since these signups are in real time, you will receive a LOGIN URL and Username/Password to view your signups. You will be able to view complete information about your signups and save it as you need.
You are in complete control of your campaign.


Guaranteed Signups are subscribing in real time. They have verified address, email and phone and have all stated that they WANT TO work from home. We have designed this service for both the signup, so they can view your program from the inside, and for you, the buyer, so you can contact and encourage the signup without any SPAM or DNC Threats.

To order please just select the package below and click on the appropriate payment button.
Your payment will be processed by - the most popular and secure
online payment processor.

Please put this necessary info in the paypal notes on the payment page:

1) your program's name
2) your program's signup link (where prospects can signup under you)
3) short description of your program (150-200 characters)

Regular Worldwide Signups
These are people from all over the world.
They may be from USA or Canada and also from other countries.
We do no screen them. But they are definitely English speaking as they are signing up for English programs.


Signups Type


Your Price per Signup ($)

Batch Price ($)

Order Button

RegularWorldwide 50 0.80 40

RegularWorldwide 100 0.70 70

RegularWorldwide 200 0.60 120


500 0.50 250


Regular English Speaking Signups
These signups are only from the below English-speaking countries:
USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand
Regular USA only are USA based only signups and are a bit more expensive.


Signups Type


Your Price per Signup ($)

Batch Price ($)

Order Button

Regular English 50 1.00 50

Regular English 100 0.90 90

Regular English 200 0.80 160

Regular English

500 0.70 350

Regular USA Only 50 1.20 60

Regular USA Only 100 1.10 110

Regular USA Only 200 1.00 200

Regular USA Only 500 0.90 450


To order just select a package above and click on the corresponding paypal button.
Do not forget to put the necessary info in the paypal notes:

1) your program's name
2) your program's signup link (where prospects can signup under you)
3) short description of your program (150-200 characters)

Your order will be confirmed and started within 48 hours.
You will receive a tracking link and password to login and watch your progress live.


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