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Banner Impressions
We are proud to offer great banner advertising in partnership with one of the Net's fastest growing banner companies.

We have several banner packages for you to choose from 100K to 10 Million banner impressions.
All banners will be shown on our high traffic exchange network.
Currently we serve around 200K impressions daily throughout our network of 600+ websites and growing!

 Features YOU GET:

  • AUTOMATIC credits straight into your customers account.
  • Earn even more credits from impressions on your customers site (3:2).
  • Members area to update banner or URL at any time.
  • Real time statistics, so you can track your campaign's full statistics.
  • Watch traffic flood to your site.
  • Easy to setup

Customer FAQ

What Type of Banners can I have?

You can register any banner except adult material. Banners must be 468x60 in either jpg or gif formats, up to 20kb.

When will my banner start showing on others sites?

Your banner registering is instant, but we will review your banner within the first 24 hours to check it is acceptable for displaying on our members sites. We reserve the right to refuse any banners which contain or link to any illegal content, adult sites, racist, rape or child pornography. You will get a notification of refusal and will need to change your banner and link. 
Refunds are only available in extreme circumstances.

Do I have to show other peoples' banners on my website?

No. You will become an advertiser and will not have to display banners on your website.

Can I have an Adult Banner on this service?

No, not at this time. But soon we'll be launching another banner exchange that allow adult banners, so please check back.
Other prohibited banners/links include warez, mp3, hacking, or any other illegal activity.

Can I change my banners and links?

Yes, you can change/update your banners and links anytime you want from the members area.

Where do I get banners?

We can suggest couple of online banner creation services that will help you make good banners for FREE!
We use them ourselves and are happy with our banners. Just let me know after your purchase.

What kind of statistics will members have?

You will have FULL stats for your campaigns:
your banners displayed on our network; your credits earned by showing our banners (if you choose so)
your total initial credits; your credits used; credits left; click-thrus to your site; click-thru percentage.
Members are also able to edit/modify their details, retrieve html code, view top 10 banners by click-thru.

What kind of click thru ratio can I expect?

It depends on your banner design and your offer. We can't guarantee anything here.
But we personally had a 2.6% clickthru ratio with our very simple banners.
So this is what you can expect too. And with total 10M impressions you'll get more than 200K targeted visitors interested in your particular offer and therefore ready to pull out a credit card!


To order just select a package below and click on the appropriate PayPal button.

50000 banner impressions only $19


100000 banner impressions only $29


1000000 (1Million) banner impressions   only $99 HOT!


10000000 (10 Million) banner impressions   only $199 HOT!


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