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Privacy Policy

At, protecting our users' privacy and security is a top priority. For this reason, we have adopted the following policy to advise you about the use of your personal information online. This policy describes what types of information we gather about you and how we use it.

Scope of Policy

This Policy applies to and does not apply to other companies' or organizations' web sites to which we link. You should carefully review the privacy policies of those web sites in order to determine how they treat your personal information.

Aggregate Data

If you contact or order from we may gather your personal information such as email address and your name and in some cases your IP address.
We will not offer any information about you to any outside company or 3rd party unless we receive your prior consent.

Our server does not gather information from users without their consent and no information given to us from users will be sold or shared with anyone. We collect only the email addresses of those who order from us, have technical problems or register with us as members. The email addresses are used only to send your order information, inform users about updates to our site and responding to inquires.

Your email addresses or any other personal data will NEVER be sold or shared.
We honor your privacy just as our own.

Mainstream PopUnder Traffic

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10,000 Visits for $19

15,000 Visits for $30

20,000 Visits for $39

25,000 Visits for $47

30,000 Visits for $56

40,000 Visits for $71

50,000 Visits for $85

75,000 Visits for $124

100,000 Visits for $150

150,000 Visits for $215

200,000 Visits for $289

250,000 Visits for $317

300,000 Visits for $357

500,000 Visits for $425

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